Welcome to my blog

I hope you enjoy reading my posts, and please leave me a comment. I always enjoy reading them, and will try to visit you in return.

For security reasons for me and for you, I would appreciate it if you would leave your name on your comments.

You are welcome to copy any of my designs, as long as you do not take credit for them yourself. I am very happy for you to sell them. If I have used anyone else's design, I always try to give credit where it is due. If I have missed anything, please let me know and I will put things right.

This is intended to be mainly about my crafting stories, as a personal record of what I do. However, I interpret crafting quite widely, not just paper crafting but other things too. I have a butterfly mind and like to change from one thing to another depending on what I feel like on a given day - knitting, crochet, cross-stitch, cards, baking and several others, including my favourite right now, parchment, both traditional skills and Groovi, very relaxing and calming to do.

I have decided to put some structure into my blog so that each day will have something of a theme.
Monday- for Mindfulness; Tuesday - Tidy Up Day; Wednesday - What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday; Thursday - Technique and Tips; Friday - Finish Off Day; Saturday - Start Something New; Sunday - Anything Goes
These themes are not hard and fast and will be changed if I feel the need.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

WOYWW - 147

Yes, this is really what is on my desk today.  (I say today, because I am posting this after midnight and I have not slept yet, so I suppose I should say yesterday - I hope you understand that - I am not sure I do)  I have had a small plague of these tiny bees in my craft room over the last week, and have no idea where they are coming from.  None of them are very well, and are mostly crawling feebly on the floor.  The bigger one in the pot was the one that inflicted painful injury  - it stung me.  Mean or what?  The smaller one was dying on my floor after lunch.  If anyone out there is an expert on bees and can give me ideas of how to get rid of them in the house.  I am happy to have them outside in the garden where they belong, and where we have planted lots of food plants for them.  In the meantime, as I said in my last but one post, crafting is DANGEROUS.

Apart from dying insects, my desk is covered with the debris from a frantic making of Christmas cards for Sarn's Rudolph challenge.  I still have to post some of them on the challenge page, but I actually completed 20 in one go, mainly from toppers already made, ready folded cards, and oddments of peeloffs.  Hence the huge pile of used and unused peeloffs.  I even use the waste bits between the borders, and anything else gets bits punched out to embellish other cards.  The cards themselves are mainly hidden but I will post them at intervals later.

Today (Tuesday) has been a bit of a mess. Our big pup suddenly started yelping every time he moved.  He could not jump up to his usual comfort place in the evening.  Going upstairs was really bad for him.  Of course, by the time we had an appointment for the vet, he was moving much better.  After an injection and some painkillers for a week, he is better than last night, but still not 100%.  He is scared to move much, so will be on very reduced exercise for a while.  

Thank you for coming to visit me today (Wednesday), and I must now let you go to visit all the other desks on show over at Julia's.  I hope to visit as many of you as possible in return.  Have a great week.

I am pleased to report that the anti-inflammatory injection and the painkillers are working for Flash, our big pup (he is just 6 years old.  He is trying to run around like a lunatic again, so we shall have a hard time keeping him a little more calm for a few days. 


Minxy said...

WOW Christmas cards already, I am impressed, I hope you find a solution to your bee problem.
Happy Woyww'ing
Minxy #11

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sorry to read about your dog. Could it have been bitten by one of those bees? They really ARE dangerous, if you are as allergic to them as I am. Happy WOYWW from #3.

voodoo vixen said...

Kudos to you on getting 20 cards done in a sitting... I think half that would have me beat. Can't help with the bees, its a bit early for them isn't it? Maybe why they are a tad bad tempered? Annette #22

trisha too said...

Ugh, no, Maggie, not sure what to tell you about bees in the craft room, but that DOES sound dangerous!


sandysewin said...

Awwww, sorry to hear about the doggie, and the bee sting. Goodness.

I'm impressed that you're working on Christmas cards already, wow.

Happy WOYWW,

Sandy #44

Joynana said...

Maybe there is a hive in the walls or under the eaves. You should get the exterminator to come in and check it out. Try not to get stung again. I can't believe that you made twenty cards in a day. #29

SandeeNC said...

wow, you do take crafting to the next level! Crafting with bees might be called extreme crafting! lol Sorry to hear about your pup, hope he feels better soon! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

peggy aplSEEDS said...

sorry, i don't know anything about bees except that they make the honey i use to sweeten my coffee every day. i guess you could google bee repellant. how admirable to be making Christmas cards in March!
happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!
peggy aplSEEDS

...the yorkshire fox... said...

...gosh sick bee's...poor bee's and poor you...I have no advice on that front but odd so many in your room and them all being poorly, hopefully by the end of the day you'll have the info you need...Mel :)

Helen said...

Sorry you're having trouble with bees inside - I've not come across that before - certainly not in numbers!! Hope you sort it - they need to be outside, surviving!
Hope your poor dog gets better too. Have a great day. Helen, 9

Ann B said...

Your bees are probably coming in from outside. We had quite a few over the last few days, sunny weather, an open window and then they get trapped and die. None have stung me but I did get a wasp sting a few years ago and that hurt like he**. Hate wasps, love bees and have even been known to go out to a flagging one (they get too cold and die)with diluted honey and a cocktail stick to hand feed - so satisfying when they recover and fly away.

Ann B

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Poor old pooch - hope he's chasing those rabbits again very soon!
They sound like Masonry bees to me but can't help further than that, I'm afraid. Maybe the unseasonably warm weather has brought them out of hibernation too early and they're dopey....
Hugs, LLJ ~76 xx

jude said...

Your pups are gorgeous did the vet say what he had done to his leg?As for the bees you may well have nest somewhere ?we had that and it was from cracked brick near air vent so you may well have nest outside and someway they are getting in?Hope you get sorted soon.Have fab wedensday and creative week hugs judex 67

Jules said...

Hi Maggie

Ouch!! on the sting!!!

Funnily enough yesterday I noticed loads and loads of bumble bees outside in the front garden .. .. and they were huge!!!

It did make me wonder whether we were going to have a lot of them around this summer.

I quite like bumble bees .. .. they don't look as scary as wasps for some reason LOL!!!

Sounds like you have been being mega busy as always on the cardmaking front.

Love Jules xx

p.s. Pleased your pup is improving.

Karen said...

Maggie it was great to read at the end of your post that Flash is feeling much better following the injection, what a worry for you all [[hugs]]. I have noticed that there does appear to be a lot of bees and wasps around this year, outside though! I do hope you can sort out the issue of them being in your craft room, as that is not so nice especially with being stung :(

Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xxx

Unknown said...

Oh, bees in the craft room, that is no good, I hope you find a solution soon and some way to prevent them from coming in. You have been very productive with your cards! Happy creating. Tracey #69

Unknown said...

Christmas cards? I love christmas so to start in March is amazing! Going to have a look at the site.
'They' say after the fourth sting you don't feel it so only another three to go!
Suzanne at desk 90

CraftygasheadZo said...

Glad your pup is ok, now those bees, oh my, I'd be screaming my head off if they came in my room. Can't stand bees or wasps. Take care & enjoy this weeks snoop of WOYWW desks. Zo xx 77

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Glad Flash is feeling better. Thanks for the update. The little quiltlet on my blog is an art quilt. It is now finished and ready to hang on the wall. I had to add the dowel rod and fancy fibers to it. It is WAY too small to be a baby blanket. Nope, I make ART, not anything USEFUL (grin). I tear my fabric, never measure, and can't sew a straight line.

May said...

Very impressed Maggie 20 cards in one go, I get one done if I'm lucky as I do more faffying around than doing anything else!!Glad to hear big pup is recovering from painful time!! the mystery of the bees continue... hopefully someone out there will let you know why!! they invaded your home.. Hugs May x x x x

Unknown said...

I read you r last post when I saw the bee and could identify with the problem as my mum, being really interested in nature all of her lifetime, told me that a sluggish bumblebee needs feeding and cannot fly until her batteries are recharged. Provide a solution of honey/ sugar and water. We put a drop of honey in front of a large bee one and actually saw it feeding. It flew off when it was ready. Dead bumblebees may just be at the end of their lifespan - some only live for 2 weeks... they do their job then die but that's their lifecycle. If you go to the following website - you might get answers to your questions:


Glad your dog is feeling better - bless. The desk seems so unimportant when our fur babies are ill or injured.

Paula #51 xxx

Sarn said...

Wow . . .20 Rudolph Day cards in one go? I am SERIOUSLY impressed!

Hope no more bees sting you.

Happy WOYWW.

Hugs, Sarn #79 ish!

Spyder said...

You must have a nest near by...one that has a way out and also a back door through a tiny gap where the odd small one can get in but not get out side. One of my houses that I used to 'sit' for had a room I called the bee room because it spelt like honey, there had been bees living in the walls for years, bees could get in through cracks around the windows, so I filled them with plasticine...the gaps, not the bees! Hope your bee sting is better... you could give the sick bees some sugar water and put them out side to find their way home! Thanks for my snoop, blogger is being a pain this morning, but I hope to beat it!
Have a great crafting week. HaPpY wOyWw!!
((Lyn)) #19 now!

JoZart Designs said...

What a shame about the bees and you too. They don't sting unless something is wrong and I would google/contact your local beekeepers society for advice.
hope the pup is better soon too.
love joZarty x

Inkypinkycraft said...

Ooh dear hope you getvthe bumblebees sorted! Have a great crafty week hugs trace x70

Rita said...

Loved having a browse at your work desk, it looks very interesting. Hope your doggies feel better soon. Hugs Rita xx

Susan ~ Killam Creative said...

Good news on the "Pup-date". Maybe he's feeling arthritic?

Don't know about the bees, but I'd have a poke around your attic or the rafters. Maybe they're setting up a new home in your home.

We have little black ants every Spring. It's apparent that I need to call the pest management folks in a little earlier than their normal mid-April. Weird weather brings weird insect behavior.

Susan #136

Danielle said...

I can't believe you are on Christmas cards already, but then maybe that is why I am always running around at the last minute trying to get things done. I hope you get the bees out soon! dani42

okienurse said...

WOW Maggie I am not a bee expert but I know you don't want to be stung too many times cause you can become allergic to them! Hope you can get them out of the house! Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing! Vickie #138

Glenda said...

Boy are you getting a jump on Christmas! I have an occasional wasp in my craft room but have never had bees. Careful try not to get stung again!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Bees in the house could mean you have a hive moving into a crack in your house. We had the not well bees in the house bit and discovered a hive had moved into a crack in the brick wall outside and somehow a few of them were getting into the inside of the house. I would suggest walking around the exterior of your house and look for hive activity. Sorry the pup was not well, do you think maybe she got stung and had a reaction? Sorry to hear that crafting is dangerous right now. It is no fun to be stung. I had a pesky fly at my desk one day and kept swatting at it. Finally I hit it and it fell onto my leg and stung me.... not a fly but a bee. D-oh!

Miriam said...

Hope your dog is ok and back to his normal self soon.

As for the bees, I don't envy you!!

Thanks for sharing


505whimsygirl said...

Oh, I am so glad Flash is doing better. This past Sunday I had to put my Daisy Hammock to sleep. All of a sudden she became completely paralyzed - prognosis not good at all. It was a tough decision but the right one.


Julia Dunnit said...

Ah, so glad that Flash isn't in so much pain now, what a worry! Twenty Christmas cards...my word Maggie, you have got it bad!!!

Caz said...

Poor pup!!!!
Well done you for the Christmas cards - I keep promising an early start every year but never make it!!
Happy WOYWWing
#163 Caz

Anne said...

Am impressed with your completed stash of christmas cards. I am not making much at moment. Not joined in with WOYWW this week but thanks for sharing yours. Anne x

Elizabeth said...

Hi Maggie, me again. I mentioned your bee problem to the EM and his only suggestion was to look in your roof space and that they are most likely to be mortar or mining bees - they do get through the tiniest holes and are more active in sunny weather.

I thought I was doing well to make three cards today for Sarn's Rudolph Day but you have beaten me hands down :)

Love the photo of your pups and glad to hear that big pup is recovering.

Hope your day has been a good one. Elizabeth x #145

PS: we have osmanthus burkwoodii in flower at the moment and the perfume from the tiny flower is, as you say, just gorgeous.

SueH said...

Aww Maggie, I’m glad to hear that Flash is on the mend and moving around a lot better now. It’s worrying when our pets are ill and can’t tell us what’s really wrong.

Judging by your desk you’ve been very busy indeed and it sounds like you’re well in advance with your Christmas cards.

Happy Crafting!

Anonymous said...

Yours is probably the only desk featuring real bees today! Sorry you got stung -- that stinks. Happy Thursday from #151.

SophieNewton said...

Love that you're making Christmas cards already...can never be too early I say. Happy WOYWW x
Sophie no.183

Angie said...

Probably the strange weather has confused them and they are not ready to be out and about...drowsy bees and wasps are the mosy likely to sting.
I really should try making Xmas cards but I shudder at the thought lol....love yours.
So glad flash is feeling better. xx 17

lisa said...

Sounds like you have had a bit of a livestock sort of week, Maggie what with Bees and dogs!!!!
There are loads of bees outside now so maybe they are coming out of hibernation if that's what they do!!!! They obviously feel very at home in your craft room but it's not funny if you've been stung.
Glad your lovely doggy is feeling better.
Hugs Lisax #109

Mari K. said...

20 cards in one go! Oh I would love to be able to do that! Too bad about those mean old bees and great news about Flash. Mari #55