Welcome to my blog

I hope you enjoy reading my posts, and please leave me a comment. I always enjoy reading them, and will try to visit you in return.

For security reasons for me and for you, I would appreciate it if you would leave your name on your comments.

You are welcome to copy any of my designs, as long as you do not take credit for them yourself. I am very happy for you to sell them. If I have used anyone else's design, I always try to give credit where it is due. If I have missed anything, please let me know and I will put things right.

This is intended to be mainly about my crafting stories, as a personal record of what I do. However, I interpret crafting quite widely, not just paper crafting but other things too. I have a butterfly mind and like to change from one thing to another depending on what I feel like on a given day - knitting, crochet, cross-stitch, cards, baking and several others, including my favourite right now, parchment, both traditional skills and Groovi, very relaxing and calming to do.

I have decided to put some structure into my blog so that each day will have something of a theme.
Monday- for Mindfulness; Tuesday - Tidy Up Day; Wednesday - What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday; Thursday - Technique and Tips; Friday - Finish Off Day; Saturday - Start Something New; Sunday - Anything Goes
These themes are not hard and fast and will be changed if I feel the need.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

WOYWW 247 - More what's under my desk?

This week, I do not seem to have managed much time at my desk, other than a bit more sorting, but nothing really seems to have changed since last week.  So I thought instead of showing you what is on my desk, it would be more interesting to see what is under my desk, or who is under my desk.

The first shot is Flash trying not to look too obviously at the little pot of doggy treats he knows is there, but failing miserably, giving me the big spaniel eye look.

The second one is where he has finally decided that I am here for the duration and lies down in the most uncomfortable place for me (nowhere left for my feet), mixed up with the big bass speaker and cables galore.

Now some of you are wondering why I should want to show you two pictures of one of my dogs, with me in my crafting room.  Well, it is Wednesday, the day crafters from all over the world gather at Julia's place for coffee and a chat and have a good nose around to see who has done what, and who has found what and what they have done with it.  What could be more fun than to get together with lots of other crafters?  If you want to join in, just nip over to Julia's Stamping Ground and she will welcome you and tell you how to join in each week.  See you all later.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a great view under your desk this week. Flash has you trained, dear. And of course, they don't understand the concept of two object not being in one place as the same time! But It was fun to see this latest area of your craft room! Happy WOYWW from #1.

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous boy... and why should they make it easier for us..we are put on this earth to cater to their every whim... and we love every minute of it. My teo are no different, thank goodness they're a lot smaller than yours..lol
Happy crafting
DeDe # 14

trisha too said...

What a little charmer!

Happy woyww, Maggie!

#20ish this week with
Jedi mind tricks

RosA said...

Oh he's SO cute! Makes me a bit nostalgic as I had a black Cocker Spaniel a long time ago. Her name was Cindy.
Have a good week,
RosA # 19

Helen said...

Oh cute! I don't have room for dogs, under desks or anywhere else (as you've seen!) but they look so happy there and I am sure keep you great company!! Hope you get to stretch your legs out soon. Happy WOYWW Helen 16

Belinda Basson said...

Nice to have a companion, even if he does take up all the foot room. Perhaps you could get your feet under him to keep them warm if it is cold where you are? #33

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Awwww, look at those big eyes! But Mum, they're saying...I neeeed that treat, honest.....


LLJ 44xx

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Maggie and hello Flash under the desk....yes they always want to be close and it's probably warm in there. Good luck with the sorting and hope you get to some crafting soon. Cheers RobynO#37

Julia Dunnit said...

Aw Maggie - the whole 'I NEEEED to be very very near you' thing with our dogs is really lovely! You were up early or late...I'd like to think that you may be in bed snoozing right now at 8.46am!

Antonia said...

beautiful dog you have there, my dog also likes to craft with me by lying under the desk or just behind my wheelie chair so I can not wizz across the craft room but have to get up gently so not to wake him!!!
Happy woyww
Toni #61

The House of Bears said...

What a cute dog. How can you resist those eyes?
the house of bears @# 116

Glenda said...

Sometimes it just happens that the top of the desk just isn't very interesting. What's under your desk is just such a sweet face. He is adorable!
Glenda #76

Eliza said...

He has the biggest beautiful eyes they make you melt. What a lovely companion to have around all the time. Thanks for sharing him, under the desk is just as important as on the desk to me.

Hope you have a wonderful crafting week.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 52

Jo Rice said...

Morning Maggie, I can't believe that I have only just found your blog....well shame on me...so I am now a follower and I look forward to popping back soon.. Have a great day and what adorable photos....love them....Jo. X

Twiglet said...

Ha ha - I was just going to write almost exactly the same as Jan - we crafters are so alike at times! have a good week. x Jo

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Lovely dog. You need to stop sorting and get crafting lol!
A messy desk is a happy desk, Angela x 68

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Marg, how could you possibly fail to give in to that look? And because you didn't, Flash was not going to let you be comfy, lol. Just added a new link, as my first was going to last weeks post! Love Shaz xx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Maggie, I love sorting ... it's amazing what you discover, all those forgotten goodies :) And there is no dog more practiced in the big-eyed beseeching look than a spaniel - Flash has it down to an art :) I've just read some of your earlier posts and see you have a couple of super events planned - the retreat sounds fabulous and I'm sure the workshop will be great too. We loved our trip to the Malborough area in 2012 - the highlight for us was in meeting up with our blogging friends, Jan, Julia and Di - very definitely memorable :) Have a great week. Elizabeth xx #72

glitterandglue said...

That fur looks a good place for resting your feet, Maggie! Would a certain somebody object, seeing as how they are the one taking up the footwell??!!
Have a good week.
Margaret #59

pearshapedcrafting said...

Ooh! I wish I had one of those under my desk! Does he act as a foot warmer when you're cold? Chris75

Dora said...

hello Maggie,
I love the pictures about your dog. I know the eye-thing what dogs can do...hihi. I love it. ((:

fairy thoughts said...

Awe how could you say no to those big spaniel eyes so gorgeous
Janet @38

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Maggie,

What a little sweetheart! When I'm at my table I usually have one dog underneath, watching for any chance of me going into the kitchen!

Happy belated WOYWW
Kay (5)

Mrs A. said...

Now the question on every ones lips is did he get his treats! Still sorting out a few last bits. You know the pile that you always end up with that doesn't really go with the rest of the stash but you need to keep it somewhere to hand cos you just know if you chuck it out you will need it!! I just emptied a pot of beads and threw the plastic pot they were in away. Now I desperately need that pot for a project !!!!! Hugs Mrs A.