Welcome to my blog

I hope you enjoy reading my posts, and please leave me a comment. I always enjoy reading them, and will try to visit you in return.

For security reasons for me and for you, I would appreciate it if you would leave your name on your comments.

You are welcome to copy any of my designs, as long as you do not take credit for them yourself. I am very happy for you to sell them. If I have used anyone else's design, I always try to give credit where it is due. If I have missed anything, please let me know and I will put things right.

This is intended to be mainly about my crafting stories, as a personal record of what I do. However, I interpret crafting quite widely, not just paper crafting but other things too. I have a butterfly mind and like to change from one thing to another depending on what I feel like on a given day - knitting, crochet, cross-stitch, cards, baking and several others, including my favourite right now, parchment, both traditional skills and Groovi, very relaxing and calming to do.

I have decided to put some structure into my blog so that each day will have something of a theme.
Monday- for Mindfulness; Tuesday - Tidy Up Day; Wednesday - What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday; Thursday - Technique and Tips; Friday - Finish Off Day; Saturday - Start Something New; Sunday - Anything Goes
These themes are not hard and fast and will be changed if I feel the need.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

WOYWW 244 - Things are getting sorted steadily

For those that have wandered into this apparently chaotic mess, I apologise.  However, there is a very good reason for this.  A quite large group of us nuts from all over the world get together each Wednesday to chat and see what we are all doing.  The idea is that we show our desks, just as they are right this minute, and then everyone else has a good nose round to see what is on show.   (By the way, I "stole" the banner above from Barbara Gray's blog on Tuesday.)

The title of this post says it all - WOYWW stands for What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday, and our hostess is Lady Julia, who hosts the meeting over at  Stamping Ground.  If you would like to join in, just follow the link over there and everything you want to know is there


This is as I have just left my desk, more or less. Actually, I took the photos on Tuesday afternoon to take advantage of the sunshine through the windows.  This looks a dreadful mess but, believe it or not, things are getting organised steadily.

The boxes are some of my precious Clarity stamps, that need organising into the right boxes, cataloguing so that I can find them at any time.    I am about half way through the job but I also need to clear off another shelf on the unit to take the larger boxes.  All the small ones are done.

Then I need to check all my ink pads and list all that I have, and make another list of the ones that I really NEED.  I think they may be going to live on those little units in front of my desk, just where I can reach them.

Once that job is done, then the rest will follow fairly easily, I think.  Then, I can really settle down to play with all the things I haven't seen for months, and use up some more of the stuff that I am not that keen on any more.  You know the sort of things, bits of kits that you should never have bought but they looked good at the time, all the Christmas stuff that has been building up over several years, not to mention the glue that is really past its sell by date etc.

Right, I am off to refill my coffee mug and start visiting some of those lovely desks on show this week.  Are you joining me?  Hope to see you all on my travels.


SamsHomeCookedDesigns.com said...

Hi I love to see other peoples desks but I don't like to show mine. I like everything at hand so it always looks a bit over-crowded, well it is? You are so right about these out of date dried up glues, why do we keep them? Sam

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Actually Maggie, you are number 3 this week. I can't figure out how I beat you, since my Internet is so slow.

I had NO idea that glue had a "sell by" date. None of mine seems to have that. But I can agree that there are things I haven't played with for a long time, so this is the right year to get them all out and use them up. I'll be right there with you.

Happy WOYWW from #1.

Create With Joy said...

Happy WOYWW to you dear Maggie!
I am not familiar with Clarity stamps but it looks like you have a lot of them based on your boxes!

Have a fab week!

Create With Joy #9

Unknown said...

Hope you get all your sorting done! I never have liked doing that. Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #11

Eliza said...

It will all be worth it in the end, knowing what you have on hand. You can get some apps for your phone and iPad that cover the ink pads and refills, supplies etc especially Tim Holtz stuff worth a look. I think DeDe started a cataloguing bug LOL.

Happy crafting if you find the time, hope you are warm where you are.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 12

Jackie said...

I love the job of cataloging and sorting stamps .... Good luck with getting yours done !
Jackie 10

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Maggie,...chuckling to myself as I think I've been there too....too much stuff, mine's pretty organised but I have loads that haven't seen the light of day for a looong time. I'm sworn off buying any more card - whatever colour or pattern no more. Have fun cheers RobynO #16

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Yep I would need coffee to tackle that job too. I love it when things are organized and tidy but it is a chore. Peg R 25

Helen said...

That's a lot of Clarity stamps you have.... good luck with your sort out, hope you get to play soon! Helen 7

ShazInOzCardsCalligraphy said...

Hullo dear Maggie .. so glad you are moving along in your sorting..

Do you really have as many clarity stamps as that shows??

Find it mind blowing to think there are boxes of them.. :D

Happy sorting and look forward to more superb cards like your last one, I really, really loved it!!

happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #31

jill said...

Hope you get to play with your crafting goodies soon. Happy woyww Jill #35

Claire said...

Good luck with the sorting - must be the season...
Lovely to catch up with you again - it's been a while :)
no. 34

JoZart Designs said...

Hope you had a good sleep, Maggie! You must have been keeping Barbara G in luxury seeing how many Clarity stamps you've acquired but just think how great it will feel when they are all organised and to hand. Well done you! you''l need more than a pecil box to get that lot organised, tee, hee!
love Jo x

Anonymous said...

I don't think I own a single Clarity stamp and I don't know why. I love them when I see them, I think Barbara is a wonderful instructor (from what I occasionally see on the craft channel) and projects I see made with the stamps are almost always appealing (oh, I think they do some golf ones I am not keen on, but other than those....) And I do the same - photo on Tuesday of what I will be working on on Weds. :)
Getting an early start for a change....
Happy WOYWW Day!
Mary Anne (4)

Julia Dunnit said...

SOME of your Clarity stamps? Tee Hee! How lovely! You really are doing the new broom thing Maggie, terribly impressive that you haven't given in and stopped!
Your comment about link list positions made me laugh - in the time it takes the interweb to load your link - POUF - other peoples links are loaded. Think of it this way - it's nice to know tha tsomewhere out there, one of your Desk friends is up and doing the same thing - like shaking hands!!

sandra de said...

I am still coming to terms with how many boxes you have and now I understand why you have to catalogue your stamps. I have two small boxes and I still forget what is in each box. Have a lovely week.
Sandra @59

Tertia said...

Oh my, sorting stamps is such a big job! I feel for you and it always looks a lot worse before it starts looking better.
Looks like you have quite a stash there.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #20

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Maggie, ooh you are busy, good luck with the sorting - it's so frustrating when you have to waste playtime tidying up, but it's lovely when it's done! Have you seen the Swap Shop on the Scrap365 Facebook page? Seems like a good idea for stuff you don't want any more. We're having a swap session at our little craft group next weekend - mind you, although I have so much stuff I find it really difficult to part with it! Happy WOYWW Annie C #65

Mrs.D said...

Morning Maggie,
Well organising those stamps looks like a mammoth task, however many are there? And how do you go about categorizing them? Rather you than me. Do show them all when you have got the sorted.
Bless you,
Chris #55

Ann B said...

Wow Maggie, how many Clarity stamps do you have, all of them? Have fun organising and just think how pleased you will feel when it's done. As for listing your ink pads, I'll leave you to that one, would need a whole raft of notebooks if I started to list mine.

Happy Wednesday.
Ann B

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oh you do look as though you are going to have some fun! Chris69

Peggy Lin said...

Have a great week, happy WOYWW

Peggy x #69

Anne said...

Everyone (well lots of us seem to be sorting and tidying at the moment. Happy WOYWW Anne x #63

Sharon Madson said...

Yep, I just poured myself a cup of steaming vanilla caramel tea. Now I will blog hop! :) I would rather do that than clean off my desk! :) Happy WOYWW! Sharon # 27

Twiglet said...

Good luck with all that sorting - what else would you want to do on this miserable wet and windy Wednesday! x Jo

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Marg, having a bad day, I think. Blogger played up last night when I was doing my post, and I've just realised it didn't publish my post, even though I scheduled it! Usually I check its up before I link, but typically today I didn't. Good to see the sorting is going well, I can imagine the boxes are the best way to store the Clarity stamp mounts.
Love Shaz xx

Linda Simpson said...

Thank you for sharing Maggie, it looks like you are getting yourself sorted. Enjoy your week.
Linda xxx

trisha too said...

Oh I absolutely believe you--things always look a mess while sorting out, that's just how it works, right?

Happy woyww to you,
#86 this week with
tiny books and snow

Shoshi said...

Lots of exciting cardboard boxes on your desk, Maggie! I've got some too, but they are empty ones for upcycling one I get round to it. I forgot it was Wednesday so I'm really late joining in this week.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #100

April said...

Very impressive. You'll have to share your system for those of us who are not nearly as organized.
:-) April #24

Caro said...

I would love to rummage through all those boxes...they look exciting and mysterious! Thanks for sharing. Happy belated WOYWW. Caro x (#57)

Krisha said...

Thanks for stopping by Wednesday and leaving your comment. Hubby did try the chiropractor for almost 3 months before deciding to take the shots.

Still lots to go through yet for you. Won't it be a thrill to know it is all organized and unwanted/ stale stash has been dealt with? I need to do the sorting and tossing thing, but just haven't had the mojo to get it done.
Have a great week
Krisha #23

BJ said...

WOW loads to unpack, hope you get the the bottom of it all son. Thanks for the visit BJ#73

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your visit, Maggie - nothing like sorting your stash, is there! My ARTHaven is now an awful lot tidier than it was on Wednesday because I had a blitz. Yes, life has been pretty busy lately, but over the past couple of days I've actually managed to spend some time being creative, which is doing me soooo much good!

Shoshi #100

Mrs A. said...

Oh dear! Does glue really have a sell by date then cos I got loads stashed here there and every where. Lol. Just finished sorting and putting all my stuff into some sort of order and know exactly how your feeling. Numb!!
Hugs Mrs A.