Welcome to my blog

I hope you enjoy reading my posts, and please leave me a comment. I always enjoy reading them, and will try to visit you in return.

For security reasons for me and for you, I would appreciate it if you would leave your name on your comments.

You are welcome to copy any of my designs, as long as you do not take credit for them yourself. I am very happy for you to sell them. If I have used anyone else's design, I always try to give credit where it is due. If I have missed anything, please let me know and I will put things right.

This is intended to be mainly about my crafting stories, as a personal record of what I do. However, I interpret crafting quite widely, not just paper crafting but other things too. I have a butterfly mind and like to change from one thing to another depending on what I feel like on a given day - knitting, crochet, cross-stitch, cards, baking and several others, including my favourite right now, parchment, both traditional skills and Groovi, very relaxing and calming to do.

I have decided to put some structure into my blog so that each day will have something of a theme.
Monday- for Mindfulness; Tuesday - Tidy Up Day; Wednesday - What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday; Thursday - Technique and Tips; Friday - Finish Off Day; Saturday - Start Something New; Sunday - Anything Goes
These themes are not hard and fast and will be changed if I feel the need.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

WOYWW - 193

Welcome fellow WOYWWers and anyone else who has come to view this week.  In case you think I am mad, just nip over to Julia's where you will find an explanation for this unadulterated horror.  We are a large group of international crafters of all types who are happily sharing our treasures and our disasters with all our friends.  Anyone is welcome.  Just post your blog with the title of WOYWW (What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday), and a picture of your desk - no tidying first, we want to see it in all its glory, then link it on Wednesday morning over at Julia's.  Then you are free to wander round all the other desks on show, leave friendly comments, and see all that everyone is up to.

Still a dreadful mess this morning, just as I left it last night.  The Tidy Fairies must be on holiday.  Still, I am not too worried as I am on the last bit of the great stamp sort out.  I have just the wood mounted ones to do, and I only have a few of those, then it is just a case of cross-referencing them all on the computer.

You can see my Sheena Douglas Scene Sets, and a couple of my medallion stamps, which I have already stamped and put into the file. 

While I am working on these, you can perhaps see on the screen part of the Debbi Moore show on Create and Craft.  I sometimes watch crafting programmes or listen to music while I am working.  Lately, I have been doing a lot of listening to relaxation tapes to try to break the sleepless cycle.  I cannot sleep at night, but if I sit down in the day, I am off to sleep instantly - so annoying. 

I am posting this just after midnight after our visitors have gone, so now I am off to see if I can get to sleep before linking up with Julia in the daylight hours.  Let's hope that dratted snow does not turn up yet again, it is getting seriously boring, and the birds are permanently starving..

PS My next resolution is to make at least two cards with every stamps during this year.   Do you think  have any chance of getting that done?  


Unknown said...

Good wishes that your sleep cycles return to normal love your header I've never seen a finch like that before

Spyder said...

Well your desk look very inviting with all your crafty-ness spread out tempting us all! I was trying to see what you were watching before I read it! happy WOYWW, have a great week...up late but no number yet!


Neet said...

The proposal of two cards for every stamp - do I think you will do it - in a word "no". But that is only because it would be too big a challenge for me to do so I just imagine nobody can do it. Go on, prove me wrong!
Happy WOYWW - Hugs, Neet 4 xx (thanks for visiting me)

Chrysalis said...

Morning, Maggie - you've been a busy bunny. It all looks great. I love Sunday's lighthouse. I've only just noticed that you live in Worcs. too - maybe I'll bump into you in the supermarket or something! Happy WOYWW, Chris x

Ann B said...

Hope you had a better night's sleep Maggie, nothing worse then laying awake at night. When the tidy fairies return from their hols can you give them a nudge in my direction, think I need them as well.
Ann B

Belinda Basson said...

Never seen those scene stamps here to buy. They look fabulous. Yes where are those fairies...they have been AWOL here too.

Jackie said...

It's good to have a goal and making cards with each stamp is a great idea ..... Good luck with it
Jackie 3

Belinda Basson said...

We don't have those scene stamps here. Or snow for that matter. Love seeing and hearing about other peeps lives through WOYWW!

Helen said...

Hope you resolve your sleepless situation, there is nothing worse!
Your desk looks like unashamed joy to me!! Helen, 2

Redanne said...

That really is some challenge you have set yourself! Perhaps one of each? Your organising seems to be going really well, wish I could be as disciplined but then I seem to have 100s of stamps, wooden and otherwise... Hope you got a reasonable night's sleep. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #37

ria gall said...

You have done well with indexing your stamps if you only have the wooden ones to do, go you. I started indexing my stamps at the weekend and was shocked to see how many I have, still on going for me.
Hope you got some sleep
Happy WOYWW I hope you have a great day
Ria #46

Di said...

Oh Maggie, you were flying along here - until you mentioned you wanted to make at least two cards with every stamp during this year. I just bet you have many more stamps than you could us in a year :)

Some lovely ones there on your desk!

Happy WOYWW, hugs, Di xx #58

Heathers Inspiration said...

Beautifully organised stamps :o)

We feed the wild birds all year oh and the squirrels when they visit.
Its lovely when they come and squabble over the feeders x
Happy WOYWW Heather # 62

Gibby Frogett said...

Happy WOYWW.. really love your stamps but LOL at 2 cards for every stamp..good luck :) I'd hate to think how many I have after collecting for about 16-17 years ...happy stamping and have a good week..Gill x #64

okienurse said...

Love your desk! I hope you get all the stamps catagorized. I may have to steal that idea and put all mine on the computer. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #17

The House of Bears said...

Those stamps are lovely. Good luck with the sorting, we stamped ours up into a book so we could instantly see what we had, we've not looked at it since!

Sorry to hear about the sleeplessness during the night, maybe a career move to being an owl would help?

The bears @# 78 this week

Unknown said...

Well done on getting organised - cross referencing too! I have pals who have broken up all their stamps sets into categories such as Flowers or Snowmen or flourishes. I am torn as I teach and like to give as many ideas as I can for one set of stamps so I don think it would work for me. Hope you manage to complete your resolution! WOYWW Hugs to you from Helen 56

Marit said...

Wow, wow, you have a lot of stamps! LOVE the lighthouse-one in the former post. I hope you slept well! Love from Holland, Marit #89

Nan G said...

Beautiful stamps! Love the sea scene in post below, too. Hw

Rossella said...

If those tidy fairies ever visit would you mind sending them my way.
Using every stamp is a great idea.
Have a good week,

Rosie x

Bernice said...

Oh how I would love to be so organised - I do try every now and then - but never quite get there! Hope you get your sleep problem sorted - its so annoying - sometimes I find if you get up and read or something for a while, you can get to sleep when you go back to bed.
Bernice #67

Anne said...

Hi Maggie well done with the stamps. I still haven't started sorting them yes. Just keep sorting through to find what I want. I keep looking at them all rather helplessly at the moment. I am also a non sleeper and at times am just too tired to do much. Happy WOYWW Anne x #134

shazsilverwolf said...

Love the resolution Marg- Its scary how many stamps I have, barely used. And don't even mention Christmas stamps! Late today, didn't get back from work/Tesco/Post Office till 4. I need a better system, lol. Speak soon, Love Shaz xx

Alison Scott said...

Wow a feat of organisation.
I only have a notepad with stamps listed by company and name of stamp.
Alison #76

Unknown said...

Lots of stamps to look at today on your desk - good luck with getting them all logged.

JoZart Designs said...

What a resolution and I hope you fulfil it! You will no doubt make a lot at night if you cannot sleep, Maggie. I hope you can overcome this phase and get back to a good night's rest. Good luck
Jo x

Krisha said...

Ho Maggie, took a good snoop at those stamp sets. I have not seen them in this neck of the world either.
Krisha #133

MiniOwner said...

Hi Maggie! Well doen on getting your stamps organised and good luck with your challenge, too. Hope you can get back to a sleeping well very soon. Happy Wednesday. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@147)

Lucy said...

Thanks for popping by! The cross stitch software i use is called PCStitch and it is free to download here: http://pcstitch.software.informer.com/download/

I've had no problems with it and it's much better than what I was using. It also updates your download when ever a newer version comes out - all totally free. I don't believe in paying for what is free!

I absolutely love the black cat on your page - cheered me up no end. have a great week - Lucy #24 x

pearshapedcrafting said...

Love all those Sheena Scene sets - and your ambition -Good Luck with that one! Don't think I could do it - I flit too much! As for your sleeplessness -I used to have a problem but we have a Cd - "Chant - music for paradise" by The Cistercian monks of Stift Heligenkreuz - I haven't heard the last track yet!
Take care, Chrisx

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Maggie,

I like your resolution - making two cards with every stamp set. You've given me something to think about.

Your desk looks very interesting - those stamp sets look nice.

And love the lighthouse card in your Sunday post!


Winnie said...

We had a blizzard last weekend (29 inches) and more is coming tonight..UGH. I am ready for spring! That's a lot of fun stamps waiting to be used! I see we have the same OTT light (boy do I love it!) Happy Valentine's Day! Winnie#79

MaryH said...

Miss Maggie, Thank you for the email with instructions. I hear you about the sleep stuff. I take an afternoon nap, stay up til all hours (but I'm ok with it-DH is not so). Loved your desk, and am impressed you have made great strides in your stamp cataloging. Alas, not even at that stage, yet, myself. Love all the treasures I saw on your desk, and yes, I think you WILL make your goal. You seem to be a very focused crafter! (unlike myself ) TFS - Mary H #136

Queen Lightwell said...

That sounds like a very good goal. :) I bet you can use every stamp on at least two cards this year, especially if you have some way to keep track of it. Those create a scene stamps look like a lot of fun, can't wait to see some of your finished projects. :) Deeyll #142

Tertia said...

Sorting out the stamps... I did that earlier in the year, it took for EVER, but it is so worth it! I have used some that I forgot I had.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #20

MrsC.x said...

good luck with your organising i hope you see the end of it soon
Happy Valentines and a Happy belated WOYWW tfs Mrs.C #54

Debbie Rock said...

Goodness knows what I did wrong this time with the linky-thingy but thanks everso much for popping along anyway! After a rotten night myself you have my every sympathy Maggie ... I'm kinda in zombie-mode this morning but have set myself the task of batch-making a minimum of 12 cards today (started yesterday) but could nod-off right now ... gggrrrr!!!!
You have a fabulous collection of stamps and I love busy workdesks like yours.
Hope you sleep better soon ... know what you are going through. Love Debbie xXx

Caro said...

Those scene sets look gorgeous...I must look out for them at some point. Thanks for sharing. Happy belated WOYWW! Caro #65

Karen K said...

Hi Maggie

Thanks for visiting my blog, the quilt is a labour of love but I am really enjoying it.

Love your workspace, what a fabulous buzz of creativity going on. I also love your light house from Sunday - beautiful.

Hope your sleep comes soon - I use a Glenn Harrold Hypnosis CD or download called Deep Sleep - it's great and so nice to use. You can find it at www.hypnosisaudio.com it just helps to quieten the mind and send you into a lovely relaxed sleep - bliss !


Anonymous said...

Happy Very Belated WOYWW. Thank you for visiting me this week. I will be doing the draws for my Candy later today. Good luck! Ali x #12 ps Congrats on getting your stamps sorted out.