Welcome to my blog

I hope you enjoy reading my posts, and please leave me a comment. I always enjoy reading them, and will try to visit you in return.

For security reasons for me and for you, I would appreciate it if you would leave your name on your comments.

You are welcome to copy any of my designs, as long as you do not take credit for them yourself. I am very happy for you to sell them. If I have used anyone else's design, I always try to give credit where it is due. If I have missed anything, please let me know and I will put things right.

This is intended to be mainly about my crafting stories, as a personal record of what I do. However, I interpret crafting quite widely, not just paper crafting but other things too. I have a butterfly mind and like to change from one thing to another depending on what I feel like on a given day - knitting, crochet, cross-stitch, cards, baking and several others, including my favourite right now, parchment, both traditional skills and Groovi, very relaxing and calming to do.

I have decided to put some structure into my blog so that each day will have something of a theme.
Monday- for Mindfulness; Tuesday - Tidy Up Day; Wednesday - What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday; Thursday - Technique and Tips; Friday - Finish Off Day; Saturday - Start Something New; Sunday - Anything Goes
These themes are not hard and fast and will be changed if I feel the need.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

I love parchment craft

As a result of Barbara Gray's promise of something to do with parchment about to appear, I got my things out to have a play. The one with the Clarity Wallflower corner on was just done on a piece of scrap left over to test out the colouring, in particular.

 The first one with the posy of pansies was from a design by Robyn Cockburn and I used the same border on the second one with the three pansies.

They were drawn by me last year with the idea of trying to create a stencil from them. I still haven't worked that idea out but I like them as a parchment piece.

  The colouring on all three was done with a mixture of Derwent Coloursoft and Spectrum Noir pencils, and was also a mixture of colouring on the back and on the front. A lot of people think you can only colour on the back of parchment, but you can get a really delicate effect colouring on the front too. 

For anyone who has been following my blog for a while, you will know that I am a major fan of Derwent products and have most of what they produce.  They are made in this country and their products have been in my life since I was a child.

I am still a fan but I have been persuaded to give the Spectrum Noirs a real test, and from that, I have decided that they are both good products and they will actually work well together.  For example, I found that the Derwent white is stronger, while the blue from Spectrum worked better than the Derwent equivalent.  So, from now on, I will be using both sets together.  They blend together and the Derwent blender pencil will also work in the same way with the Spectrum Noirs, as does the Derwent burnisher pencil.

As far as I am concerned, you cannot have too many coloured pencils anyway.

1 comment:

Julia Dunnit said...

Couldn't agree more about the pencils, can't agree about the parchment! totally utterly get it, it's lovely, especially in your hands, but I just don't want to do it myself. Odd, huh!