Welcome to my blog

I hope you enjoy reading my posts, and please leave me a comment. I always enjoy reading them, and will try to visit you in return.

For security reasons for me and for you, I would appreciate it if you would leave your name on your comments.

You are welcome to copy any of my designs, as long as you do not take credit for them yourself. I am very happy for you to sell them. If I have used anyone else's design, I always try to give credit where it is due. If I have missed anything, please let me know and I will put things right.

This is intended to be mainly about my crafting stories, as a personal record of what I do. However, I interpret crafting quite widely, not just paper crafting but other things too. I have a butterfly mind and like to change from one thing to another depending on what I feel like on a given day - knitting, crochet, cross-stitch, cards, baking and several others, including my favourite right now, parchment, both traditional skills and Groovi, very relaxing and calming to do.

I have decided to put some structure into my blog so that each day will have something of a theme.
Monday- for Mindfulness; Tuesday - Tidy Up Day; Wednesday - What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday; Thursday - Technique and Tips; Friday - Finish Off Day; Saturday - Start Something New; Sunday - Anything Goes
These themes are not hard and fast and will be changed if I feel the need.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

WOYWW 211 - A different desk but just as bad.

Not my craft desk this week, but just as messy.  However, this photos does not show it at its worst as you can see some of the desk top for the first time this week.    Having finally forced myself to do the necessary to achieve probate, I decided that I would go through all the files of paperwork to see what I needed to keep and what I could dispose of in some way (the shredder is working overtime).  The probate was a nightmare - why do you need 40 pages of notes to help you fill in a 4 page form?  Surely that should tell the powers that be that things are far too complicated - or is my theory too simple? 

With the help of my very kind daughter, I cleared out the Freelander which is off to the dealer tomorrow as the first stage of changing two vehicles into a comfortable one that will do all I need it to do.  Then, it was hunting for all the paperwork that must go with it, and putting together both sets of keys.  The second stage will come if and when probate is cleared.  

This is In Tray no 1 - a Sainsbury's shopping box, and that is after the first sort when I got rid of millions of envelopes and the rubbish that comes with everything in the post.
As I said, nothing changes, even more stuff overflowing onto the floor.  

I do wish that people will turn up at about the time expected.  Sainsbury's delivered an hour earlier than arranged this morning - not too much of a problem as I did get help from daughter to put it all away in double quick time.  Then, after we had done the motor and she had got my suitcase down from the loft (ready for the Clarity workshop in August), I settled down for a relaxing lunch and coffee to watch Doctors, only to get a phone call to say that the engineer was in the area and could he come and service our alarm system in ten minutes time.  Ok, one good job done and the paperwork got up straight on that one.  Time for an afternoon tea break, when the dogs went into overdrive.  The gardener had arrived, unexpectedly, to gather the hay again, with his dog.  That means my dogs have to be shut in in case they do a bunk out of the gate.  It also meant a search through my purse and the car park money retrieved from the emptied car so I could pay him his dues.

On a more social note, I took myself off to a favourite haunt at Eastnor Deer Park in Herefordshire on Saturday afternoon to visit friends from the Land Rover Club - a really nice time, chatting and catching up with news and gossip.  I got plenty of offers of help when I finally take the caravan out on my own later this year, which will be to a club event.  Note to self - don't be the first one there!!!!

Right, I am off now to prepare for visitors, so I will let you slip away (if you managed to read this far) and see some of the more interesting desks on show this week over at Julia's  Have a good week, all of you.  xxx


Neet said...

Oh Maggie, you have been busy and I am so glad you have your daughter to help you. Am afraid if it was me I would be on my own.
So nice to read you had been visiting friends and I do wish you luck with the caravan and towing. It will make a difference to get out and about like that this summer - if we have one.
Take care
Hugs, Neet xx

Nan G said...

I feel your angst in dealing with probate. I wish you well. Caravan ing sounds like fun! Enjoy. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #3

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Maggie, so glad to see a desk of yours, even if it the boring paperwork variety...
My brother did the probate and it is just as complicated over here - he works in the field sort of and even he had issues as I recall so really do pray for you in it ..

.. and yes so know what you mean about people with jobs arriving when you are not in the know!

.. like me this morning in dressing gown at 9am, knock at door, a man to take down huge tree next door" "Am I needing to go out or use my driveway today as they need it?"
.. no prior warning of the event.. oh well should not whinge but does fluster one!

And so glad you can still take your van out my friend did that when their circumstances changed too, and was blessing.
love Shaz in x #29 i think.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well done you for taking on all the paperwork, it is something that I am really bad at....I hate form filling, tax returns....so way to go, girl! I am so glad that you went to the caravan club meet as well :-)
Hugs, LLJ 43 xx

The Taming of the Glue said...

Probate is a nightmare, I wish they could simplify the whole thing. It's the last thing you feel like doing. Wow, going to a Clarity workshop! I'd love to go to one but keep on missing them! Do take the van out. If you've got lovely people willing to help I'm sure it'll be fine. Hugs. Pam#38

voodoo vixen said...

Hi Maggie, probate is a pain in the derriere, when you would really rather be doing something else, but maybe it is a stage of the grieving process and I hope it doesn't take too long for you to sort it all out. Glad that you are making plans to still do things, I am sure people will step up to help where they can. Annette #9

Unknown said...

Hi Maggie, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. They leave a big hole in your heart don't they? I lost my beautiful husband from a brain tumour in late 1996 at the age of 36. There is still not a day go by that I don't think of him and I thank god that I have a little piece of him in our daughter. All the work involved takes time and I am glad to see that you are going to take the caravan out by yourself at the next club event....good on you :-)!! Your nests of paper work looks like mine lol. I always say I will never let it build up again, but sigh, I do. The deer park sounds wonderful!! Happy WOYWW and wishing you a wonderful week.
Janene #12

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Maggie
on the up side at least your people are turning up it is so annoying when they don't turn up at all. I don't know why forms have to be so complicated these days it just makes a bad situation worse doesn't it but a least you are keeping on top of things and have your daughter to help
janet #42

Claire said...

Sometimes boring paperwork is a necessity, isn't it?
Good luck with it, and what a blessing helpful daughters are! I'd be lost without mine :)
Happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
no. 32

Bridget Larsen said...

Uggh I have heard that probate is a nightmare, hope yours is easier to deal with and so glad you are joining us
Bridget #1

Helen said...

I agree about the probate forms, when my brother and I did our mum's... nightmare for something relatively easy! Sounds like you are getting things straight though, even if people won't do what they should WHEN they are meant to!! Have a good week, hugs, Helen 31

Anne said...

Hello Maggie I so feel for you and am so glad that you have your daughter to help.( I have an elderly Aunt and am going to have to do the same when she goes and I know it's going to be difficult from all I've heard) It's good that you are still going to take the caravan out. Take care. Anne x #65

Silvia said...

Ack they don't make things easy! As if you haven't suffered enough.
As I have been saying in other comments....I love a messy desk. I find it extremely comforting

Julia Dunnit said...

Well Maggie, good for you. The clearing and the paperwork are almost life long jobs aren't they..and tackling the Probate form is a grand job well done. I agree with your theory utterly...but no-one in the right circles appears to hear 'we the people'.
Am super happy that you're planning a trip with the CC, I expect all your friends from that part of your lives will be really pleased to see you.

ria gall said...

Hi Maggie
I am surprised you have had time to come up for air you have been so busy. so big question is when do you get to do some more crafting
Have a great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #47

roffeycreations said...

Hi Maggie, Lots to do and forms are the worst - hugs Mxx #110

sandra de said...

Sometimes I think we live in a world gone crazy with paperwork. It must keep someone employed.
Sandra @105

Anne said...

This is my first visit to your blog and with mixed feelings. I am so very sorry to read such sad news about your husband and I feel annoyed that the probate paperwork has been so complex for you. Your cards are lovely and your hand-drawn ones are superb! We have just red squirrels here and they are delightful! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.xx

Angela Toucan said...

I have a pile of paperwork shoved in the corner and another pile hidden in a cupboard. All the best with yours, and with the probate.
many blessings to you from Angela

Julie Lee said...

What a lovely, kind and efficient daughter you seem to have, so helpful. What a busy day full of unexpected callers. I find sometimes I stay in all day for deliveries that never materialize! Have a great week. Julie Ann x #68

Caro said...

What a challenge to try and sort out all the paperwork. So glad you had help and it is lovely to see you on here again. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#137)

Linda Simpson said...

Hello Maggie, I hope you are keeping well and it sounds like you are tackling stuff head on. I hope everything gets sorted out for you soon and thank you for sharing today. Have a wonderful time with your guests.

Linda xxx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I have no idea why all that paperwork, because I live in the States. But I feel for you and having to deal with it. Seems you needed a break, too. Have a super WOYWW from #17

Anonymous said...

Crazy the amount of paperwork, probably designed to keep a whole hoard of people employed somewhere! Good to tackle the rest of the stuff while you're at it though. Hope everything goes through OK and that you can get used to taking a trip in the van on your own.

Brenda 112

Mrs A. said...

Probate does take forever. Hubby is sorting out his Uncle's estate who died in January. His Aunt can't access money until this is through. The papers finally came through last week so he went with his Aunt to the bank this week and still we have to wait whilst the bank sends it all off to head office. Anyone would think she was trying to access money that wasn't hers. Hubbies Aunt at 86yrs was in a total panic over it all. Glad you have your daughter to steer you through the red tape . Hugs Mrs a.